R Programming

Standardizing, normalization and Mean Centering of Variable in R

Standardization, normalization and mean centering of variable are common data processing techniques in Statistics and data analysis. It is important to standardize variables in statistics to compare and analyze different variables on the same scale. If you have two variables, one in inches and the other in centimeters, it’s not possible to compare these variables […]

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ANCOVA is a statistical term that is used to compare the means of a dependent variable among two or more groups and co-variates. It combines the ANOVA and regression as it contains at least one categorical (factors) and one continuous (covariates) independent variable. Co-variates, known as confounding variables, are continuous independent variables in the model

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Descriptive statistics and Tabulation of categorical variable in R

Descriptive statistics, is like a snapshot of data, that provides the quick look of data before we delve deeper into data handling and manipulation. It helps us understand the features of data like mean, median, mode, and frequency of the data. From these summary statistics, one can visualize data by creating different kinds of interesting

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