Muneeb Shah

Muneeb Shah, a 32-year-old data analysis expert with a Master's degree in Statistics, has eight years of research experience. Proficient in statistical modeling, data visualization, and predictive analytics, Muneeb has made significant contributions to various high-impact research projects. Actively involved in academia, he mentors students, conducts workshops, and presents at conferences. Muneeb holds several certifications that highlight his expertise and dedication to continuous learning. He is passionate about promoting inclusivity and strives to maintain a diverse patient population in his work. Outside of his professional life, Muneeb is a devoted father of two who enjoys reading survival stories, adeptly balancing his career and family responsibilities.

A Comprehensive Guide to Panel Data Regression in R

Panel data regression, also known as longitudinal or cross-sectional time-series data analysis, is a powerful statistical method for examining how independent variables affect a dependent variable over both time and individual units (cross-sectional units). For more details about panel data see Theory of Panel Data In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of

A Comprehensive Guide to Panel Data Regression in R Read More »

How to count the number of observations in STATA

In STATA, the count command not only calculates the total number of observations in a dataset but also allows for the application of specific conditions, enabling users to count observations that meet particular criteria or satisfy certain conditions within the dataset. This flexibility makes it a powerful tool for data exploration and analysis. This article

How to count the number of observations in STATA Read More »